WLU faculty profile page: https://www.wlu.ca/academics/faculties/faculty-of-human-and-social-sciences/faculty-profiles/sandra-danilovic/index.html
Twitter: @DrDanilovic
CBC News Interview: “'If You Can't Move, You Can Still Game' — How a Developer Helps Make Accessible Video Games” by Justin Chandler, Sept. 3. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/overjoyed-1.7311795
“Game Jams to Support Addiction Recovery”. Long-form interview podcast with People First Radio (affiliated with the Vancouver Island Mental Health Society). Recorded on June 24. https://www.vancouverislandmentalhealthsociety.org/podcast/game-jams-to-support-addiction-recovery/
"Dr. Danilovic’s Research Explores Digital Game Design as a Way of Promoting Self-Care among Underserved and Marginalized Communities", Wilfrid Laurier University, Feb 23, 2022. https://tinyurl.com/mr2444f9
"Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council awards more than $500,000 in Insight Development Grants to Laurier faculty members". Wilfrid Laurier University press release, Sept 9, 2020.
"The Healing Power of Making Video Games Like 'Minecraft'", OneZero. By Keith Stuart, November 5, 2019.
“Let’s Play: Video Games Focused on Mental Health”, CBC with Jonathan Ore, July 18, 2019. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1573673539951
Twitter: @DrDanilovic
CBC News Interview: “'If You Can't Move, You Can Still Game' — How a Developer Helps Make Accessible Video Games” by Justin Chandler, Sept. 3. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/hamilton/overjoyed-1.7311795
“Game Jams to Support Addiction Recovery”. Long-form interview podcast with People First Radio (affiliated with the Vancouver Island Mental Health Society). Recorded on June 24. https://www.vancouverislandmentalhealthsociety.org/podcast/game-jams-to-support-addiction-recovery/
"Dr. Danilovic’s Research Explores Digital Game Design as a Way of Promoting Self-Care among Underserved and Marginalized Communities", Wilfrid Laurier University, Feb 23, 2022. https://tinyurl.com/mr2444f9
"Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council awards more than $500,000 in Insight Development Grants to Laurier faculty members". Wilfrid Laurier University press release, Sept 9, 2020.
"The Healing Power of Making Video Games Like 'Minecraft'", OneZero. By Keith Stuart, November 5, 2019.
“Let’s Play: Video Games Focused on Mental Health”, CBC with Jonathan Ore, July 18, 2019. https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1573673539951